About Philip Owen
Philip qualified from the British School of Osteopathy, London in 1979.
He developed his osteopathic practice in Manchester and shortly after ‘The Old Hall Clinic’ was created in Gatley, a multidisciplinary practice, believed to be the first of its kind in the UK.
Philip’s aim was to provide patients with the ‘best of all worlds’ in which highly competent practitioners from their chosen profession would be able to collaborate ideas and treatment methods for the common good of the patient.
Philip is proud to say that he enjoys looking after a variety of patients, not just common musculoskeletal problems, such as aches and pains in joints and muscles, but also a number of professional sportsmen and women, often as a preventative measure, as well as offering services to the very young and infants.
Philip’s interest in paediatric osteopathy started early on in his career and much of his paediatric training was undertaken in the USA and Canada. This interest also led to inventing the SleepCurve mattress range for newborn babies and for babies with plagiocephelay (flat head syndrome).
Having lectured at the BSO, he also became a lead external examiner for graduating osteopaths. Philip currently enjoys a good working relationship with Sale Sharks, Wigan Warriors, Manchester United and Manchester City Football Clubs.

About The Old Hall Clinic
The Old Hall Clinic was originally founded by Philip Owen in the early 1980’s.
The clinic quickly established itself as a multidisciplinary practice, with a large team of dedicated professionals covering a wealth of medical and therapeutic treatments.
The clinic later grew further to include the ‘Childrens Clinic’, a professional practice dedicated to providing specialist paediatric treatment for everyday problems experienced in children and infants.
Philip Owen is considered to be a leading expert in the field of paediatric cranial osteopathy. He has recently completed a piece of research at Manchester University in efficacy and effectiveness of the treatment of cranial osteopathy for babies with sleep problems. The results of this showed many babies had considerable improved sleep patterns following cranial osteopathic treatment.
Having operated out of the Manchester clinic for some 37 years, the clinic more recently relocated to Gawsworth near Macclesfield and now solely specialises in osteopathy and cranial osteopathy treatments for adults, children and infants.

Your First Visit
Appointments must be made in advance.
On your first consultation with Philip Owen, you will be greeted by friendly and professional receptionists who will be more than happy to help you with any queries you might have regarding private medical health insurance etc. Prior to your consultation you will be asked to read and sign a consent form, which will explain the procedure in detail. Consultations can be made by appointment only, either by self-referral, your doctor, or other healthcare professional. Please note payment for initial consultations will be taken at the time of booking.
To contact the reception desk, please call 0161 428 4222.
Patients are asked to check with their insurance company if a letter of referral is required by the GP before booking an appointment. Insurance Companies sometimes ask for a claims form to be completed by either the therapist or the GP. Please note GP’s usually charge a fee for this.
The Old Hall Clinic can be found on Tidnock Lane, just off the A536 between Macclesfield and Congleton.
Please see the Google Map below.
NOTE: Depending on where you are travelling from, your SatNav may send you the wrong way – please ensure you only access Tidnock Lane via the A536 (main road between Macclesfield & Congleton).